Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Wouldn't it be nice if everything was always sunshine and light? Unfortunately, it seems to be overcast a lot. Do I need to go out in search of sunshine and light? I've tried to cultivate the inner glow, but apparently I will always be a bad seed. Maybe I just haven't found the soil that will help me thrive. I've finally got a vision of sunny days. Hopefully that will give me something to grow towards.


  1. You aren't a bad seed. Thinking that way is like putting Miracle Grow on the bad seed. We all have good and bad in us, we just need to focus on the good and find ways to overcome the bad. You can do it, I believe in you. I'm going to bring you a book to read that I think could help. I know it helped me when I was feeling like nothing but a bad seed. I love you, you know?


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