
Packing seems to be an endless job and yet I look around my house and it is beginning to not look lived in any longer. The pictures are off the walls, empty boxes are perched on the couch, full boxes are piled up in little bits of empty floor space, and all of my clothes are piled on the guest bed where they are finding their way into various suitcases. My friends and relatives would be shocked to see the general level of chaos and disorder I'm living in! Today was not so productive. I had a late night out last night and after sleeping in, the most I got accomplished was packing some items in the car to take to my sister's. I spent the afternoon hanging out with the girls and then my sister and I went out to Ciatti's for a celebration dinner. It was fabulous. I really thought I would get something accomplished this evening, but pasta has had a slowing effect on me. I also have a movie waiting for me and Peanut was asking for some snuggle time. Maybe I can do some packing in the living room while I watch the movie. That way I can mix in some intermittent snuggle time too. Sounds like a decent plan.


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