WI Death Trip

I feel like I had such a whirlwind trip to Wisconsin and yet it was a longer stay than I've had in a long while.
I drove North Thursday morning and arrived in enough time to drop off Peanut, have dinner with the folks, and head to the big WLOP festival. With an unexpected (for me) appearance by Rob Base, a couple of VIP tickets, and bumping into a lot of people, good times were definitely had by all.

Friday was pretty laid back except for getting up at the crack of dawn to drive my poor pup to the vet for a surgery to remove a lump and a teeth cleaning that turned out to be a tooth extraction as well. When I picked him up Friday afternoon, he was pretty pathetic. My baby slept most the rest of the day and spent the rest of the weekend recovering. He is minus two teeth and with a big frankenstein stitch job, but in better spirits and getting used to the new cone. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Saturday my brother and I went to the Between the Bluffs Beer, Wine, and Cheese Fest and thoroughly enjoyed our day. My favorite taste (besides the fried cheese) was an espresso oatmeal stout. I could drink gallons of it. Unfortunately it was brewed by a home brewer, so I can't just run out to the store to pick some up. I'll probably be looking for something comparable in the near future.

I enjoyed seeing all my family and friends over the weekend. It just made the time go so fast! I had a few low-key moments hanging with my sister and catching a movie (appropriately WI Death Trip in honor of my sixth straight day of drinking-across state lines- as a 31 year old).

I'm lucky I made it back alive! Practically the best time one could have possibly had. Practically.


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