
Shocker. I'm feeling behind on my blog too. C'est la vie. I guess that is the theme of the season, right?

I know I have a backlog of pictures on my camera I keep meaning to share, but I don't have an SD card reader at work and when I'm at home I don't think to put them on my laptop, transfer to my flash drive, and bring in to work--let alone find the time during the work day to get them off that flash drive and upload them here. (Christmas note: I could use one of those connector cable thingys for my camera.)

Point being, you'll have to stay tuned for those.

In the meantime, It is Holiday Party Week! Yay for company-paid-for events! I can hardly wait to open my Twelve (actually only seven) Days of Christmas present from my mom with the little gold stars on it. She told me I'd have to open it before my party. I've already enjoyed a new santa coffee mug, Reindeer Blend coffee beans from Starbucks, Reindeer Nibblers from Caribou, and a little decorative tray in the shape of a Christmas tree. (If you're counting, I'm ahead on my gift opening despite the schedule I made for myself.)

I got my holiday stuff out on Sunday and relished the pre-lit and pre-decorated tree I inherited from the radio station last year. It was so easy! (Except hauling it up the stairs.) And even with the tree already decorated for me, I still didn't get everything done on Sunday. I have Christmas boxes and riff raff all over the place. I swear I'll go home tonight and work on that. Or should I go shopping for a holiday party outfit? Hmmm....


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