Cupboard Project Continues

I forgot to throw my sheets in the first wash tonight and so here I sit waiting for the dryer to buzz buzz. I decided to tackle one more cupboard.

I've been slowly getting my cupboards and drawers lined with new, not horrifying, contact paper. All the drawers and the easy cupboard are done. All that remains are the low, deep cupboards and the tippy top, high above the stove and refrigerator cupboards. Hence the stalling.

But I have to stay awake until my sheets are done, so I plopped myself on the kitchen floor and tackled one more. The funny thing I've noticed is that I like the super old paper under the horrifying little blue tea kettles more than the crap I've put up with for almost three years here.

But I like the speckley blue grey, white and black new paper the best. It almost seems like it goes with my dark grey kitchen and it definitely puts me in a more zen cooking mood. Can't wait until everything in my kitchen is recontacted!


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