Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

I finally went out to eat for a fancy restaurant gluten free pizza!

For the first gluten free taste testing Illinois Adventure, I selected Godfather's pizza. The gentleman behind the counter really sold me when he said it wasn't that great and that it was a frozen pizza.

Considering I was standing in the restaurant and my only other option would probably be the salad bar, I decided I would try it out anyhow. Pepperoni.

It actually really hit the pizza spot. I have a special place in my heart for pizza and this was pretty close to a normal pizza. I've tried out recipes for flax meal crusts and almond flour crusts at home, but nothing has been quite like this. I'm guessing it had a whole heap of potato and rice flours. I firmly believe they hold the magical deliciousness of gluten free baked goods.

I rounded out my Illinois Adventure evening with a tour of quiet out-of-the-way Springfield bars. Not too hard to find on a Monday night, but still a fabulously good time! I always love trying something new.


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