One Thing At A Time

I may be making progress. I feel like I may have made a step forward today to solve one of my big problems. Fingers crossed. At least this helps me feel like I'm working toward something. That was a big one.

I also worked my *ss off at the office today. It was a long, long day. But it was Monday and Mondays are like that. Tomorrow will be better. I've got a lot to squeeze into this short work week!

I also accomplished a lot around the house despite having an individual session with my director this evening. Also productive. I feel like the memorization and dialect work is coming along nicely. So much so, I may just take next week off!

So my house is in order, I've prepared a few days of food, and I'm checking things off the list. Next up...bath for Peanut. There is so much that has to be done to prep for a vacation!


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