
Did I mention I was electrocuted? A few nights ago I had washed the dishes and was wiping off counter tops, a fairly regular occurrence around my house. My wrist was probably a little wet and I was holding a wet dish rag, but when I moved the toaster aside, the plug bumped the inside of my wrist and shocked me. It was one of those electrocuting moments when you scream out before you even realize you are screaming. I think the veins in my wrist were pulsing the rest of the night after that. The good news is that I've learned a lesson from this shocking experience. Don't trust anything. Here I thought an appliance had to be plugged in to electrocute you. So, I wonder.... is it normal for an appliance to hold a charge in the plug even when it is unplugged? Or is it the toaster? My house does take on a ghostly aroma of toast sometimes in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe mine is just a special toaster.


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