You Say Tomato, I Say Salmonella

But I've grown to love the seedy little vegetables! Or are they fruits? Whatever they're called these days, I started with a strong resentment of the juicy seediness. I don't think it helped that my mother used to eat homegrown tomatoes with sugar (I'm not very fond of the sweets). At many late-night Perkins dining experiences I ordered sandwiches without tomatoes only to be served a sandwich with tomato seeds and juices--a sure sign they put tomatoes on and then removed them once realizing their error. I used to complain that if I were allergic to tomatoes, they could kill me with tomato remnants! Then last year I started changing my eating habits to include more fruits and vegetables (the tomatoes have you covered there). I've actually become quite fond of the extra flavor of a tomato on my sandwich. Realizing my error in judgment of the delectable fruit, I thought I should try a BLT. As I child, I was definitely only a BL eater and really didn't care for them because of the blahness of a BL. I jumped in feet-first to my first BLT experience in many moons by trying the critically acclaimed John's Bar BLT. It was more delicious then I could have possibly imagined! Now I find myself daydreaming about the toasted french bread, oh-so-crispy bacon, crunchy lettuce, and succulent tomatoes. I started thinking about one yesterday and before I could squelch the thoughts, they had turned into a full-blown craving. What a horrible time to be craving tomatoes! Lucky for me, John's delivered the goods with tomatoes they assured me were salmonella-free. Here's hoping because I have another half of a BLT to eat for dinner!


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