Everything's Coming Up Roses

I returned to the employment agency today to take a few gruelling proofreading and internet tests. Add those excellent scores to the excellent scores from my previous tests and I'm looking like the best candidate for a new job. They told me I wouldn't have to interview with the company because the agency was responsible for sending over the best candidate. The lady I spoke to seemed very impressed with my skills. Again, wouldn't it be crazy if I had a job next week? At home, I've replaced my old, stained vertical blinds in the kitchen as well as the heavy drapes in the living room. My dad and I priced out buying electrical conduit for use as curtain rods for my extra long living room windows and it looks like a go. I just need to schedule the truck for delivery! I've been busy in my basement renovating my laundry room. I've been spray painting things, priming wood, and will be painting more tonight. It is going to be a bright and sunny room to do my ironing or sewing...eventually. This weekend, my parents will be getting a major renovation too. I offered to paint their guest bathroom and somehow I'm now painting the dining room, kitchen, and hall. With a red accent wall, it is going to be a big change for them. I swear, I'm still getting that bathroom painted eventually. It may be the 60 minutes of exercise I'm trying to get in each day, but I'm feeling very positive lately. I can see light at the end of the tunnel and I can definitely smell the roses.


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