It's Freezing Over

It is so cold outside you can hear the ice crackling and popping because even it is too cold. Peanut bravely trotted all the way down the block tonight, but I noticed he stayed clear of the crunchy, uneven terrain of the ice fields. Once he had finished his business, he took off at full throttle back towards the house. He is not really fond of the cold for being of Husky decent. I sure am not too fond of it myself. I quickly took care of my garbage night business and headed back in to my snuggly warm 60-degree house. I'm looking forward to snuggling down in my flannel sheets one more night before laundry day. With the completion of the floor painting in the laundry room, Step 1, I am on Project Basement hiatus. I plan to finish painting the rest of the laundry room floor (where the appliances were grouped in the middle) after the delivery of my new freezer which will live in there. I haven't gotten word as to when that will be, so I'm playing the waiting game. We'll see if I can leave something unfinished with no idea of the possible deadline. Maybe when Hell freezes over.


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