Sunny. 72.

Okay, it may have been sunny and 72 yesterday, but today my thermometer in the car read 82 as I drove home for lunch. I tried cruising with the sunroof open, but it was way too hot and I eventually gave in and turned the air on. Yikes! Where is Spring?

At home I was happy to find a package in my mailbox with my new tomato "plants." They are actually seeds in little seedling cups that I will need to grow myself. The reason I wanted to purchase plants was so they would have a better chance at survival. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for my poor little tomato seedlings. I realize I'll be going out of town for five days during the critical first stages of constant moisture. I hope my intense desire for tomatoes growing in my back yard will pull the little guys through.

Now my thoughts are turning to more things I can grow. Anybody want to build me a raised vegetable garden? That would be dreamy.


  1. are you going to get a pepper plant too?

  2. Yes, I was planning on doing some local shopping for vegetable/fruit plants-ones that are already started! :)


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