à gogo, meaning "in abundance, galore"

I love Halloween. I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a costume and go out this year. Usually I have a costume under the needle by now. Last night, with reservations, I walked into the Party America store looking for the go-go boots I had seen there about a month before. After fighting through the hoards of other last-minuters, I found that luckily they still had them in my size. It was on. My mother had offered up an old dress that I could cut off to make it more go-go style. Since I couldn't get in touch with my parents last night sitting in my car in the parking lot of Party America, I decided to head straight for Tremp City and apprehend the dress myself. I haven't worn the dress since 70's day in high school, so I was glad to find out it still fits. And amazingly enough, the dress has faded less in 30+ years than a picture of it has in 10+. I'm also glad to see that the dress had been hand-made originally. As I was measuring off 21" to be removed from the length, I was thinking about my costumes of Halloweens past. Last year I threw together a long skirt to go with the short ghosty costume I had made for the year before. The two years before that had been Marilyn Monroe, one year around here and one year in the cities (Beth remembers that one). And the year before that was the flapper dress that started my foray into building my own Halloween costumes. I remember as a child wishing that I could have a store-bought costume because my mother always made ours. Now I want nothing more than a costume made by my own hands. I was wondering why I was not excited about Halloween this year and realized it must be because I hadn't sewn a costume yet. I am finally ready for my à gogo night out!


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