A Heck of a Holiday

DHM was fabulous on Wednesday. We drank way too much, danced just enough, and had the toastiest hotel room in Mankato. On top of that, I only have one injury, so that has got to be good! Good times all around. Friday proved to be a marathon drinking day with Z93 Turkey Bowling starting at 2pm. The beers just really tasted good. We continued the turkey fest at Neuie's North Star for a boot of beer (k, not me), Sams Bar for some shuffleboard, and George Street Pub to sing a few songs. I retired to my homestead around midnight to prepare for my big turkey day on Saturday. Saturday started abruptly at 7:30am. When the turkey was supposed to be hopping in the oven, I was hopping out of bed. I tried to read the turkey packaging for the prepping directions, but my eyes were still half closed. After two phone calls to Shirley and Sam, my bird was in the oven. I have to say that is the most disgusting thing I've ever done. Ever. Next, I needed to go pick up stuffing ingredients right away so I could get them in the slow cooker. The Hansen's IGA lady was much too talkative for me at 9:00am. After stuffing preparation, things went more smoothly and we had a lovely holiday feast with my family. Peanut had a long day and was tuckered out. Sunday proved restful. I finished "Clutter's Last Stand" (stay tuned to a blog coming to your city for my comments on this), took down my party lights from the garage, and hung my greenery and lights on the front of my house. Happy holidays.


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