Out To Sea

The other night I had this dream that pretty much everything was sea. The water was a pale Tiffany blue swirling in around my feet on the white sand beaches. There was a house in the sea and when I entered it, the floor was covered with water as well. It was the most serene, relaxing place with gentle waves lapping at my feet. Everything was light with a soft glow like I was in an over-exposed photograph, come to life. I don’t remember all of the dreams I had that night, but the overall presence of water was so memorable and calming to me, I felt I needed to look it up in my dream dictionary. According to A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by Eric Ackroyd, a sea in your dreams could symbolize creative potential. In mythology, water existed prior to creation, and the creator-god wrestled with the sea-goddess and either made the world from her dismembered body or else impregnated her so that she gave birth to the world. Psychologically, therefore, the sea may symbolize the existence, within your psyche, of potential—the latent raw materials—for the creation of your true and total self. Also, listed under “water” is described: Water may symbolize emotion or psychic energy. It is therefore important to notice whether the water is free flowing or stagnant, clean or fowl. Water is a common symbol of fertility, growth, creative potential (especially if it takes the form of a reservoir or still lake), new life, or healing. All of this sounds incredibly promising to me, but if all else fails, I'm heading to Mexico.


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