Moppy McMopperson

Tonight I found a new Wal-Mart since the last one I went to was small and dirty and scary. I didn't even Mapquest it before I went out! This one is fairly new and it had the full Super side, so that is handy. I purchased a mop and broom as well as some Apple Cider Vinegar to clean up the wood floors at the new place. Everything looked really tidy and I didn't think I'd have to do any cleaning before I moved in. However, every time I had been there, the landlord had windows and doors open. On Sunday when I went to measure the rooms and was sitting on the floors, I noticed a distinct cat smell. As a matter of fact my allergies were protesting in their loudest sniffles, sneezes, and runnyness. Needless to say I picked up some allergy medicine at the Wal-Mart too. As luck would have it, when I got to the house the windows and doors were open. And there was a much stronger smell from the caulk on the new windows (I presume). I mopped up the floors anyhow and plan to do the same every night until I find something that helps me out. Hopefully I'll get that resolved before I leave for Wisconsin this week!


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