
A lot of the time when I have a big party coming up, my unfiled papers end up in a drawer or the closet. One time I remember throwing everything in a grocery bag (and then into the closet) because the tray I usually use as the "to-be-filed in box" is also the tray I use to set out party glasses! Due to the purchase of a new filing cabinet and the fact that my files were still residing in a big wicker basket from the move, I actually did filing last night. I bought hanging file folders and spent a good two hours organizing everything. I even ran out of the 50 folders I ran out to purchase at 9pm last night when I decided to begin this project. Around midnight I decided to call it a night. I found a new home for everything previously housed in the wicker basket. It made me feel like I might start getting organized around my house. However, that tray with my "to-be-filed" pile is still overflowing with the to-be-filed. I hope I have a big enough drawer to cram it in for the party.


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