Wal-Mart Sucks

Over lunch I stopped by the Wal-Mart close to my workplace to pick up a few things. Peanut needed some treats and I've powered through my super-sized bag of Halls Defense Supplement Drops and decongestant and still feel the need for more. These few items were easy enough to find. I even made an unplanned purchase of a few bags of totally unnecessary chocolate candies to share at work. However, when I went looking for some organic green tea bags I came out empty-handed. Seriously? Do you know how many kinds of tea they had? I didn't count, but I could assume there were at least ten brands with at least 50 choices. Not one of them was organic. Not one. Point being, I was reminded why people shouldn't do grocery shopping at the Wal-Mart and I wanted to share that with you.


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