Book It Danno

I feel after making it through today, it is going to be a slip and slide ride into the weekend and I'm ready for it! I'm very much looking forward to my Tremplo Gang visitor and I'm sure we'll cook up plenty of fun together. We're starting off the weekend with a little going away party shenanigans and most definitely Franny's. Who could resist? I've got to figure out a new restaurant to try out. I couldn't let this opportunity for company on an Illinois Adventure pass me by.

I reserved a hotel room in St. Louis for this Saturday so my Tremplo Gang visitor and I can do a little night life exploration in the big city. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a dog sitter. I wish my parents would just move down here already so they could help me out like back in the day! The weather is warmer and we have less winter... just sayin'!


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