Rampin' Up!

Yesterday I ordered a doggy ramp to get Peanut in and out of the Vue so we can hit the road. It was wildly expensive, but as long as it works, it is going to make life on the road between Illinois and Wisconsin so much less stressful for the both of us (I hope). I am happy to say that it left the warehouse today and I will be following its progress online as it makes its way from Texas to Illinois. It is expected to be delivered next Monday.

I'm SO excited! Probably a little bit dorkily so. I hope to be able to try it out on our house steps so Peanut gets used to it before I try to coerce him to use it to get into the car.  My fingers are crossed that the plan will work out for the two of us. I'm still trying to figure out where it is going to attach to the car to work best, but I'll have plenty of time to work it out next week before hitting the road to Wisconsin.

Since missing my last trip, I'm WAY overdue. I'm looking forward to the little getaway very much so!


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