Annual Angst

It's time for our annual sales conference.

I'm excited to have a car full of co-workers. We have the chance to make some fantastic memories here. I'm used to doing the trek to Wisconsin alone, so I'm really looking forward to the company.

The store clerk made me cry last night when I was out shopping for a dress...because she told me the store was closing. Apparently I should not have been out in public. Tonight I will be trying on old dresses at home and probably feeling crappy about myself and I may end up wearing what I wore last year. I bought a new pair of shoes over my lunch hour to make me feel better. It helped a little.

I may end up venturing out to look for a dress again tonight, but time will tell. I was released from work about 3ish, but will have to stay until 4:30. Then I've got two groups trying to drag me to the bars. Then I have packing for me and Peanut and probably some getting the car ready crapshit. Not to mention getting up at the crack of dawn to drive Peanut to the kennel and then driving halfway to the north pole.

I can't wait to see if my usual social anxiety of the annual sales conference will break my will to live. Did I mention I was crabalicious? Supa-crabba.


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