Spring Has Sprung

I finally ditched the last of my winter decorations in favor of Spring. I've stowed away the snowflakes and white stuff and hauled out the eggs, bunnies, birdies, and green stuff. I can almost smell spring in the house.

Ironically, it was cold today and even colder in my house. I even got out my winter jacket for the trip outside tonight. For most of the day it was gray and wet. My dreams from last weekend of starting my yardwork are currently on hold.

Instead on this dreary day I cleaned out my basement. The pile for Goodwill at the foot of my stairs was driving me crazy. I finally organized everything and cleaned even more out of my closet. Then I went through my housewares. Then I cleaned out my tornado shelter and under the stairs and swept up the dead leaves from the ferns that wintered in my basement (sadly they didn't make it). And I finally got rid of all those empty boxes.

I'm always so refreshed after I do organizing or cleaning projects. I just love it when everything is in it's place. I'm all ready for Spring, and a work day tomorrow, but I think I need a few more supplies in my tornado shelter.


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