Tough Times
I traveled to Wisconsin last weekend, so that always seems to put my week at a deficit from the get go...and especially after the wienerastic times I had celebrating Wienerfest!
I've actually been getting out of work at a decent time all week and even enjoyed the long-forgotten happy hour at Docker's one evening.
I also dove into the idea of juicing by picking up a juicer over my lunch hour the other day. I may have gotten carried away with fruit and veggie shopping, but I've loved everything I've tried so far. I need to find a berry recipe for tomorrow. I'm craving the juice like nobody's business. You think all those nutrients would perk me up, right? No.
Today was incredibly frustrating all around. Tired and grouchy and frustrated. I brought a tv home to try out and couldn't get more than four stations to come in. So I had to put everything back together again. I made a huge mess, so I decide to pour a glass of beer and sit back to watch my one station for a few minutes. Peanut comes over, throws himself down in front of the couch, bumps the end table, it wobbles, the beer glass wobbles, and as I try to catch it, I pretty much throw the entire glass of beer across the room onto the carpet, couch, wood floors, picture frames, walls, and end table. Needless to say, I lost it.
On the bright side, all that frustration and the gigantic mess motivated me to embark on a cleaning streak. I give up. I'm finally doing what I should have done hours ago...I'm going to bed.
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