Stuff It!

By some magic pixie dust power I've made it to this point and time of this crazy, crazy week. I remember a time long, long ago in a land far, far away when I was bored at work. Let me tell you this...not only have I not experienced that in Springfield, it's usually quite the opposite.

So tomorrow we're kicking off our big Stuff A Truck food drive at Schnucks on Sangamon and at Montvale. The lovely citizens of Springfield can bring non-perishable food donations to either location Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 7am-8pm, and Sunday 9am-3pm. Bags of food will also be available to purchase for donation. WQLZ, WMAY, WNNS, & ALICE are broadcasting live at the Sangamon location as well.

All super exciting! So kick off the giving season with Stuff A Truck this year!


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