Yesterday was a LONG day at the convention center. Thirteen hours all together. That really does a number on an old lady's joints! After about four thousands trips back and forth across the hard, concrete floor, I could feel it in my knees, hips, and ankles. My whole everything was exhausted.
By the time I rolled out, car loaded with banners, registration cards, and expo leftoverness, I was fighting to keep my eyes open. By the time I got home, Peanut and I were ready for our late night dinner. I believe it was popcorn and red wine. Really an ideal way to top off the day. And with eyes already closing, I shuffled off to bed. I was only awake long enough to stretch out my seized up leg muscles and roll over....zzzzz.
Although I slept like the dead, morning came too early and I was on deck to keep watch at the front desk this morning. A long day followed by a long morning, a busy afternoon, and a few hours of overtime. And perhaps a few hours this weekend. Okay, definitely.
After pushing through that "I don't want to cook" portion of the evening home time, I managed to prepare parmesan chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries. The perfect comfort food for a really trying week. I'm so glad I put in the effort, but wished I would have had the motivation to make my own ketchup. Maybe for the leftovers.
Another glass or two of red wine and I'm in the same boat as yesterday. Ready for a long winter's nap. I want to sleep all weekend and yet, I'm really hoping this beautiful weather holds out. I'm pretty sure this is the weekend to finally tackle the fall yard work before it's Thanksgiving and Christmas and the Easter Bunny comes hopping through and trips over my sprinkler.
Perhaps a long weekend is in my future as well. Let's hope it feels that way!
By the time I rolled out, car loaded with banners, registration cards, and expo leftoverness, I was fighting to keep my eyes open. By the time I got home, Peanut and I were ready for our late night dinner. I believe it was popcorn and red wine. Really an ideal way to top off the day. And with eyes already closing, I shuffled off to bed. I was only awake long enough to stretch out my seized up leg muscles and roll over....zzzzz.
Although I slept like the dead, morning came too early and I was on deck to keep watch at the front desk this morning. A long day followed by a long morning, a busy afternoon, and a few hours of overtime. And perhaps a few hours this weekend. Okay, definitely.
After pushing through that "I don't want to cook" portion of the evening home time, I managed to prepare parmesan chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries. The perfect comfort food for a really trying week. I'm so glad I put in the effort, but wished I would have had the motivation to make my own ketchup. Maybe for the leftovers.
Another glass or two of red wine and I'm in the same boat as yesterday. Ready for a long winter's nap. I want to sleep all weekend and yet, I'm really hoping this beautiful weather holds out. I'm pretty sure this is the weekend to finally tackle the fall yard work before it's Thanksgiving and Christmas and the Easter Bunny comes hopping through and trips over my sprinkler.
Perhaps a long weekend is in my future as well. Let's hope it feels that way!
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