The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful!

I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that I took a beat up old cast off dresser and transformed it into something absolutely beautiful.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I've already spent a good deal of time just gazing at it. Or gazing at the pictures I took of it. I'm just really happy with this first attempt at repurposing old dressers. (Which is good because I have two more lined up on do I get myself into these things?!)

The bad news is
that when all was said and done, I placed the drawer back in and remembered I need to add drawer stops.

I stopped at the big box hardware store tonight and after scouring each aisle, I determined I would need to order the hardware online. (I love when you ask a sales associate for something they know nothing about and so they recommend something completely unrelated that sounds similar. No, door stops are nothing like drawer stops.)

So although my beautiful repurposed dresser bar looks complete, alas, it is not. I will be ordering the part and waiting for delivery to finally finish her up. Hopefully she'll make it to Thrifty Pickin's next week.

Until then, let's just gaze at her beauty...


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