Happy New Year!

So I had a whirlwind December and it's turning into a whirlwind January. I was in performances for A Charlie Brown Christmas at La Crosse Community Theatre for most of December and I closed out the show with a MAJOR sickness. I think I had a virus on top of the flu.

Uffdah. I would not recommend it. And I would recommend going to the doctor if you are sick for over three weeks. I'm FINALLY getting better and trying to shake off the last of the crud. So I missed out on most of the holidays while I hibernated on my couch and watched movies.

But all of a sudden it was January and I was globe trotting off to Chicago for work, working LONG hours back at home, and my sister (This Mom Loves) and I launched Strong Arts & Crafts. I'm in that stage of growth that feels overwhelming and completely crazy, but there are so many good things going on now.

One of my items for sale at Strong Arts & Crafts on Etsy.
Check out our new Strong Arts & Crafts facebook page or the Etsy site. I'm hoping to work in a fresh look to the blog for the new year soon, so stay tuned for a fabulous 2015!


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