This Is It!

This is my last weekend before the big party. I'm planning to work my little butt off tonight and tomorrow getting the rest of the stuff up on the walls and putting some semblance of organization to that crazy box-filled basement. Hopefully Sunday will be reserved for doing some "deep cleaning." That is the cleaning that most people only do once a year and if I was following my household tasks schedule I wouldn't have to do it now. Maybe next year I'll be on top of my game. For now I either have to find time for it or it will be a low-lit party so nobody can tell that I didn't wash the baseboards. I just sent a note to my landlord about replacing faucets before next weekend. Last minute right? I hope he comes through for me. I also had an unfortunate incident with the back door. It was hung up and then the screws in the bottom hinge ripped through the door frame. I'm sure it is because the frame was rotten. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll just replace the whole frame and door and I would have a brand spankin' new door. Wouldn't that be dreamy?


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