Sleepy Do

It has been a pretty uneventful Friday here in central Illinois. I'm pretty sleepy due to the super-late night last night. The show at the Muni got over at 11:35pm. Needless to say, it had some pacing issues. Luckily it was pretty well done other than that, so it made it tolerable. I did remember why I don't like the show, though. It's pretty religilous. Just a little too much for me, but an interesting experience over all. Today started late, so I didn't exercise to get myself going. I had two cups of green tea, but could have gone for a Double Venti Cafe Half Caf with a Twist of Cocaine. I'm really just lagging today. It has been a slow day at the office, except for the phones. (As the phone rings and I pause to answer it). I'm really ready for some home time. I spent my lunch on the porch with Peanut and it is just the most lazy dazy breezy day (pauses to answer the phone I wish I liked Coldplay. I just had a winner dip out for the bus trip tonight... and the phone rings again).... where was I? Tonight I plan to test out a tilapia recipe (I've never tried tilapia before) and go for a long walk with the Peanut. After that it is a toss up between porch time and actually accomplishing something around the house. I'm looking forward to getting my house well on it's way to set up by the end of the weekend. My house warming party is now only 15 days away!


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