Testing Theatre Waters

Tonight I'm going to pay my first visit to the outdoor theatre here called "The Muni." I'm going to see Fiddler on the Roof. I'm hoping that my negative impression about the show itself will be turned on its head. What do I know about theatre anyhow? I am really looking forward to the outdoor theatre experience. I just need to dig out some bug spray to get me through. My legs are already covered with bug bites just from normal outdoor activity. I've been told this theatre is woodsy, so I'm sure they have bugs back there the size of my fist. I'm wishing I had time for a delish, fresh dinner tonight, but I fear I will not. I had the tastiest pasta dish last weekend which, without pasta, is fresh and healthy as well! Try it out and see what you think. I'm posting it in the Lonely Girl Recipe section.


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