So... my phone has had hour glass issues for quite awhile. However, removing the battery has seemed to do the trick. The frequency of battery removal had increased to about two to four times a day. I couldn't imagine anything more frustrating... until Monday night.

When I got home from work, I took my phone out of my purse. It was doing the Hourglass of Death, so I removed the battery and popped it back in and waited for the phone to reset. After dinner I checked again and it still hadn't booted back up. So I removed the battery again, rinsed, and repeated...over and over again.

By Tuesday morning I knew I was going to have to take more drastic measures. I searched online for a solution, which I actually found. It involved removing and reinstalling the operating system. Really? I don't feel as though I'm qualified to perform the delicate operation and I think my lack of any computer software for this phone would hinder the outcome. By now the home screen was gone. I was getting a white screen and the Hourglass of Death. I think my phone was heading into the light.

Point being, I'm making an unplanned trip to Wisconsin this weekend to pick up a loaner phone from my awesome brother. Way to go Big Chicken! And on a brighter note, I'll be glad to celebrate my Dad's birthday with the fam. I can't wait! Now if only I could get a loaner phone for the six and a half hour drive...


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