Happy Camper

I'm the proud owner of a brand new, slightly used Palm Centro courtesy of my brother!

On Friday after work I hit the road toward WI. It was smooth sailing for about an hour and a half before the tire pressure warning light started flashing. I found a gas station and checked the owner's manual. The flashing light indicates the sensor is not working. However, after flashing, the light would stay on for awhile and then eventually go out. I checked the tire pressure because I was nervous about the tires that had been attacked by a pothole on my last trip home from WI. The pressure checked out, so I left a warning message for my parents as to my situation and location...just in case... and apprehensively got back on the road.

In about another hour and a half I experienced the same... and then again... and then again. I was so grateful to have some good talk radio to take my mind off the fact that my tire could blow at any given moment and my vehicle could go careening off the road or in front of other traffic. 

My father eventually decided to drive towards me and ended up meeting me about 45 minutes out to change the tire. Then the two of us inched home on the little donut tire. After dropping Peanut off at my parent's house, I headed down to the Hotel Sherman and believe I was asleep within seconds of crawling into bed. 1:45am.

Saturday was spent hanging around Tremp City and celebrating my Dad's birthday. Even though we had only a few representatives from each clan in attendance, I really enjoyed our family time. Sunday afternoon I headed back on the road with a phone of my own and another long night of travel ahead of me. I'm really looking forward to movie night at home with Peanut tonight and figuring out how to use my new phone!


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