Busy, Busy, Busy

Did I mention that my boss is on maternity leave for six weeks? I was feeling the burn last Thursday on the first day of her absence. I'm only hoping that eventually I'll get the hang of doing all her work and it won't be quite so stressful. I used to cover for her when there was only me. Now there is a second sales assistant to ease the pain. This should be nothing, right? I experienced some burn on Saturday as well. After sitting out on a golf course as a witness to any hole-in-ones that occurred for the Charlie Kearns Memorial Golf Tournament, I was slightly crispy on my right side. I swear I was wearing some protection, but not enough for the 10:30am-1:30pm shift, I guess. The sun (the beer, and the lack of sleep the night before) drained the life right out of me. After stopping by Dave's to try his first brewing attempt and then my sister's just cause I was in the neighborhood, I went home and passed out. Sleepy jean. Sunday proved productive. My dad came over to help me change out the storm windows to screens and while the storms were off, I washed all the windows from the outside and added putty where needed. It only sprinkled on us a little; the main downfall happened right as I was finishing up the last window (and then continued for the rest of the night). Then my dad put in my new kitchen faucet. I'm so excited! No more having that old, stupid handle falling off in the sink every time I turn the hot water on or off. I did notice last night that my dishwasher no longer hooks up to the faucet. Unfortunate. I'm going to have to look into a solution to that--pronto.


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