Doesn't Feel Like I Haven't Done Anything
I ache. I woke up bright and early Saturday, so I decided to tackle that hedge planting project. I did some other yard work and then began planting about 10am. I am super-sensitive to the sun, so I took frequent breaks and drank over twice the amount of water I usually drink in a day... right around 150 oz. Each water break was another opportunity to put on more sun screen as well. I'm just getting over my slight burn from the Kearns Tourney a week ago, so the importance of sun screen is in the forefront of my mind at this time.
With each side of hedges I planted, I had a different neighbor come out to check up on me. First Arlene came out, "I couldn't take it anymore! I had to find out what you're planting." The neighbors in the back were out most of the day, but once they got home it didn't take long for the lady to come and check on me as well. I feel a little bad for them because the bigger the hedges get, the less will probably grow in their newly shaded vegetable garden. Sorry guys. Then as I was lining Jim's fence, he came out, "You're doing this side too?" I responded with "Yep! All the way around!" It was as if I had been declaring war on my neighbors all day long. I refrained from telling them the hedges were called Wall of China.
So, at 6:30pm I began to wash off my shovel and put away my planting supplies. I finished off with a walk around to give the little stick plants a good watering. I was happy to find out the hose reached to the far corners of the yard. Now I'll be watching for green stuff. Hopefully I'll have time to water before rehearsals, which begin tonight.
I felt I needed a little rest and relaxation after the work I did Saturday, so I took the best shower of my life and headed out on the town for a few cocktails. By the time I got home, I was TIRED! On Sunday, I slept in longer than I have in a long time. Once I was up, I tried to watch Casablanca again (I had fallen asleep the first time I tried to watch it), and I fell asleep again. After a little cat nap, I was able to find where I left off and finally got through the whole movie. I'm not sure why old movies are so hard for me. I'm in luck; Deja Vu is next in my queue!
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