Okay, it isn't morning, but I feel like I just woke up. So there. I had a Kwik Trip cappuccino on the way to work this morning. Nothing. Some water. Still not feelin' energized. Then for lunch I had a pow-bam combo of cottage cheese, yogurt, and a frappuccino. I'm feelin' it now. I practiced a dance step or two around the office. I think my co-workers are not feelin' it. Tonight we have a preview audience at the big Mame show. The senior citizens are being charged to watch our dress rehearsal. For some reason that seems fundamentally wrong to me to charge people, regardless of age, to watch a dress rehearsal. Anyhoo...some of these folk may have actually lived during the time period we will be presenting. I'm hoping we get a great reaction from them to boost the confidence of the cast for opening night tomorrow. Good news! I found out that although I was not on the winning team for the latest sales contest, that I will still be allowed to join the winners at the John's Bar for celebratory cocktails at 2pm tomorrow. Since I won't be able to get all liquored up before the show, I'm hoping that means I'll be able to head out early, possibly dye my hair, and get my doggy out before I have to head back to LAX for our 6pm call. The stars are aligned for a stellar week. It is going to be a good show!


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