Swiller In Three...Two...One...
We've got one and a half days before the start of Oktoberfest. I took the day off so I could thoroughly enjoy the opening day parade at 10am Friday as well as the tapping of the golden keg and all the joyous activities to follow.
The only problem is that I have a week's worth of work to do in the next day to get caught up. And here I am...blogging.
My chiropractor implemented some ancient act of torture on my jaw joint yesterday. Good gracious it was so painful that it gave me a headache just having him work on it. Now it feels as if I had been beaten up.
Then I headed over for my first official night of league bowling. I did pretty poorly. I will blame my lack of strength and focus on my chiropractor. My highest score was in the last game with 121. Hopefully I will eventually improve.
Until then, I'll focus on my health. I have a new patient wellness thingy to go to at the chiropractor's tonight. I wonder if I can go out for some pre-fest swilling after that.
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