Abstract Busyness

I think my sister and I got a great deal accomplished last night at party headquarters. I feel really good about that. There is nothing like having stars greet you in the morning on your way off to work! However, I was dealt a near-fatal blow today when I received an email that I need to have my lines memorized tonight. What the hell? Where was this on our schedules? Oh that is right, we haven't been getting a schedule for any more than a few days in advance. I'm a quick memorizer, but even I'm not that good. Thank my lucky stars that it is overcast today. With the threat of rain, my golf outing that would have eaten up three quarters of my day was cancelled. This has freed up my lunch hour to drive home to get my script and ipod. I've cooerced my way into getting my lines recorded in the studio this afternoon so I can memorize for the rest of the day. Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to work all day long.


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