Seminar Fun

I'm enjoying my initiation into my new position with branding seminars. We had an evening session yesterday at a big fancy private club. I went to the club late afternoon and stayed until about 7:30. When I got home Peanut was overjoyed to see me and was very much ready for supper time.  We took care of our evening business and then hit the hay early since day two of seminars was to start at 4:30am this morning.

Peanut was too excited to sleep and kept woofing at me throughout the night. I woke up about four or five times before finally agreeing to take him out about 1:30am. By 2 I was crawling back into bed for a little cat nap before the big 4am alarm.

As I predicted, I hit the snooze a few times and was up by my 4:30 deadline. After feeding Peanut breakfast he went back to bed. I felt exactly the same, but instead I packed up my laptop and head out early to pick up some coffees before I was expected at the seminar location at 6am.

It is 9:15 and it has already been a long day. Let's be honest, I could go for another little cat nap. Unfortunately I don't see that in the cards for me today. We'll be resetting for the afternoon session in just a few hours and at some point I have to become alert enough to work on some reports on location.

At this point I'm really looking forward to that movie waiting for me at home and a little down time with Peanut on the couch. I feel like I haven't been home in days. That is partly why I've decided that this weekend is not the weekend for a trip to Wisconsin. Maybe next weekend. Things will have settled down by then, right?


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