
It was a glorious day in the Land of Lincoln. I slept in, temperatures were moderately warm with cool breezes, and I'm perfectly content with my level of productivity.

I made blueberry pancakes bursting with blueberries, topped with hot blueberries, and a side of turkey bacon. I dined on my porch and then kicked up my heels lazing on the porch couch, browsing through my Better Homes and Gardens, and sipping from my mug of hot vanilla coffee with my trusty Peanut by my side.

We moved to the backyard where he rolled in the grass while I cleaned up after my black walnut tree. Then I retrieved my magazine and a bottle of water to lounge on my back patio while Peanut continued to enjoy sniffing the delicate breeze.

I managed to work in a few odds and ends including finishing the weekly chores, touching up paint in the living room from the break-down-the-door incident, and boxing up the glasses that had been residing on my kitchen table for about a month in the hopes of finding their way to the Goodwill store.

I also spray painted these two decorative black square tin tiles that hang in my bathroom. I purchased them when I lived in Wisconsin to go with my pink and black bathroom. Now with my dark grey walls, white looks so much crisper. They shine with their new glossy paint now, but I still need to decide if they need distressing.

I topped off my night grilling brats under a shadowy, sprinkly sky and enjoying another meal on the front porch. I picked up my magazine one more time while dusk settled in just to try out my newly hung porch lights. It has been a beautiful start to the week!


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