Zippity Doo Dah

It is too late for this zippiness!

I was tired only a half hour ago and now due to circumstances I cannot disclose [EDITOR'S NOTE: I MADE RED BULL CUPCAKES FOR MY BOSS' BIRTHDAY. THEY WENT OVER RELATIVELY WELL, BUT SURE DID MAKE ME ZIPPY!], I'm zippy. I've been getting up early lately and I should continue down that path...even tomorrow. (By putting this in writing I am willing it so.)

Tomorrow is a new day and a new adventure. I've got mind-boggling problems to solve in the reporting aspects of our new traffic system at work. It's funny how you can only get by with the bare necessities for so long before you need the damn thing to actually work. I'm sure I'll have to develop a brilliant way to make the crap system do what I want it to. Luckily I'm genius that way.

Wish me luck...for a good night's sleep and a fantastically productive day tomorrow!


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