Smoke On The Water

Oh my goodness, I've been such a blog slacker lately! It has just been so busy at work that I haven't found a moment of peace. I'm getting stressed. It is busy here and I usually work on HCT theatre stuff during the summer that I haven't gotten around to doing this summer. I'm running out of time! Yesterday I finally got my lines recorded to help me START to memorize. Oh the humanity!

Yesterday was a lovely day with a family picnic in my backyard (the first of it's kind). Dad grilled steaks, the Holmen Branch brought potato salad and french bread, and I woke up early, with Guitar Hero songs still dancing in my head, to go to the grocery store and pick up the ingredients for my 7 Layer Salad. Oh, and mom made apple pie. How Fourth of July can you get?

Since the weather was beautiful, we all lounged around in the backyard for the afternoon. It was lovely. The evening brought a few rain showers. Only one caught me out on the Mississippi River while waiting for the fireworks to begin. It was short lived and although my pants got a little moist, it was not too shabby (oddly enough, I saw a boat name Knot Too Shabby) . I think it is the best view I've ever had of the fireworks for Riverfest. Usually I'm stuck behind a tree.

I was attacked by some large moth/beatle creature who decided to dive bomb my chest, but was able to recover after screaming like a girl for only a short period of time. The smoke on the water reminded me of Guitar Hero and luckily I heard the song on my drive home so as to purge it from my mind.


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