It's The Final Countdown
It is just about one day until the big Catfishestival. Good times. Good times. All my friends are coming to town. We estimate it has been since February since we've all been together. It is way overdue. I think we should spend the whole week snuggling!
I have stinky play practice on Friday night, probably until around 10pm, and then I'll hook up with my buddies under the big top. Saturday night we have a sizzling evening of selling sausages at the food tent planned (thanks to Sherman--she roped us all in!) I think it will be fantastico good times. We'll leave all sweaty and ready for snuggling!
Thanks to Sherman, I will have a roof over my head for the resting times during the weekend. It is so conveniently located and the staff is super-friendly. I think my main man, Peanut, will be staying at grandma and grandpa's house so he has constant and consistent care (although I'm not sure I mentioned that to the folks yet...if you're reading SURPRISE!).
Our first tech rehearsal isn't until 4pm on Sunday, so I can probably still make the parade even if I can't get bombed. That is okay; it will give me another reason to be crabby at the play come Sunday.
I've got a half-day planned of work for tomorrow and then I'm going in. All I need is a pickax, a compass, and night goggles and I'll be ready for anything!
Ah - it is 'super snugga time' to be exact.