Closing Down The Catfishestival
I've made it through another Catfishestival and I'm still alive and kickin'! Saturday night, Sherman and I got our second wind, but unfortunately our other friends turned out to be No-Nap Nelsons. They slowed down the pace of drinking to sober up slightly for our shift down at the food tent. We started out down one man.....uh Jen. We tried valiantly to get a fifth body down there, but Chris refused to step up to the plate! Tim was trying to get out of it saying that he never signed anything. Rob was not looking forward to it one bit and Beth was drunk. Sherman looked concerned.
When we got there, however, we found out we could drink for free while we were working. Great for me, not so great for those already close to hitting that wall...Beth. After napping on the counter for awhile, she finally went home to crash. She almost made it to the end of our shift! Rob and I deftly handled the brats and wieners...and pounded as much free beer as possible. A good time was had by all and we're signing up for next year, only on an earlier shift that has a punch-out time. We ended up finding out we had to stay until the food was all gone. Let me just say that a lot of people got great deals on food Saturday night.
We had a good time hopping between the bars and the tent after our shift. We ran into a lot of classmates and even some boat people. Lots of drunkys out. A friend's relative even got a ticket for relieving herself in public and blew a .35 on the drunky scale. I'm told that is practically dead. I fared fairly well and found out I was striking. Who knew?
Sunday, although interrupted by our first tech rehearsal, was mostly spent lounging on Shirley's deck, napping on her couch, and hanging out on the hill waiting for the fireworks. I was really hoping for a last dose of cheese curds before the end of the fest, but by the time I got down there, they were all gone. I had to settle for a last brat and it was delicious! I also had a few drink tickets to use up. Can't let those go to waste!
So it is over and all the carnies are packing up and heading out of town. Now all I need is a weekend to recover from the weekend!
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