Maggots? You've Got To Be Kidding Me!

So, last Friday I got a call from my dad. He told me that some guy happened to be standing in my uncle's office when my dad called over there and he told my dad that my water meter on my house wasn't working. Since I was getting out of work early, I called this person to let him know that I would meet him at my house at 3:30pm. So, even though this wacked-out-West-Salem method of trying to reach a home owner is odd, it gets worse. The man showed up. His plan was to replace the pump in the house. I showed him to the basement. He asked for a bucket to catch the runoff. I advised him he could just roll the laundry cart out of the way. I went upstairs. He came up in a few minutes and went outside to check if the meter was working correctly yet. It was not. He went back into the basement and found some disconnected wire. After fetching a few supplies from his truck he went back down into the basement to re-secure this wire. This seemed to do the trick. After once again checking the outside meter, he hollered back in that it was working and he took off. I checked to make sure the basement lights had been turned off. They had. Last night when I went to do laundry, I wanted to move my laundry cart back into place. I noticed the bucket was still there with standing water in it. I went over to the floor drain and dumped the water. Then I noticed them. Lots of little pieces of something in the bucket. Was it leftover bird seed? No, these were white in color. What the f*ck was that? Are they moving? Oh for the love of.... I do believe there were a whole bucket of maggots in my basement. The question I need to deal with is, did they come out of the drain or were they a product of having a bucket of standing water in my basement. They had to come from somewhere! Makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. I took the bucket upstairs, wrapped it thoroughly with a few plastic bags, secured the plastic bags as tightly as I could, and took it out to the outside garbage. Then all night I had to wonder if they had gotten on me. Were they in my hair? On my pants leg? Did I bring any upstairs with me? What about downstairs? Did I kill all the ones I found? What about the ones I didn't find? I may just sell the house.


  1. This is exactly why I have never went into my basement.

  2. That is disgusting.

    Love the blog. Maybe I should visit my own.


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