The Outback Armageddon

I had the strangest dream this morning between snoozes. It started out with these two young girls having a fight in a parking lot...something about prom. Then they were in their cars driving around like maniacs and there were these great big snow banks they were driving up and over. I was standing on a snowbank trying to get to my car in the parking lot when somehow I offended them. I may have said something less than sweet to them about their stupid high school problems. So, the chase was on. Then they were after me. This next action portion of the dream contained all of my panic scenarios: couldn't get my key into the door to unlock it (who even does that anymore anyhow!), couldn't get the car started, tried to roll up the windows and lock the door right before they were pounding on my windows, and just peeling out of the parking lot leaving them standing in the dust. The car chase ended at some point and I was on foot again. Running to flee, but no longer fleeing the girls. It was something else. There were these moth-type bugs here and there. I ended up locking myself in a closet-sized space and when I lit a flashlight realized that the bugs were in there too. They were all over me and there were more and more and more. I tried to open the door and they were swarming in... some bigger than others. Do I have to mention I'm getting creepy crawly just typing this? There was this guy there who pulled me through the swarm of bugs and into some bushes. These were some pretty large bushes, because we ducked under and the branches gave us cover from the bugs. Then this guy (who spoke with an Aussie accent) started to open a box. And the Outback jingle begins. There was Outback food in the box like it had been shipped directly to our bushes. Then there is this voice over of something along the lines of "What's for dinner been bugging you?" Seriously. I had gone through this horror and it was all part of a commercial. I think I work too much. says "to see a bug in your dream, suggests that you are worried about something. It is symbolic of your anxieties and/or fears. What is literally bugging you? Consider also the popular phrase "bitten by the bug" to imply your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby. Alternatively, the bug may be representative of your sexual thoughts. " Isn't it always? Or how about "to see a moth in your dream, indicates that unseen irritations and damage will not surface until it is too late. It is important to pay attention to minor details and not overlook things or others. Alternatively, the moth may symbolize your weaknesses and character flaws. " All useful stuff.


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