"A Kiss May Not Be The Truth, But It Is What We Wish Were True"

I've titled my blog with a quote from LA Story. My sister was inspired by the full moon to share the quote with me and now of course it is stuck in my head. So there it is. Although I am excited to have my kitchen flooring finished up today, my poor little puppers is not handling it very well. His feet slipped out from underneath him on the way out the back door yesterday and then he wouldn't come back in. He was a scardy dog. After coercing him to go back in the front door, he did not want to leave the house again. He would come to the end of the runner in the hallway and then run back into the bedroom to hide out. I guess rugs are my next purchase. Good news on the work front: due to a sales contest, I will have Friday off! I think that is super considering that tech week starts Sunday. I can't believe we're that close to opening the show. When am I going to learn that music? Oh the pressure!


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