Tampa Pool Talk


After the excitement of the breakfast sandwiches Sunday morning, we each went our separate ways. I worked on catching up on the blog, errands were run, and the kiddos got a sleep-inducing (well... 50/50) stroller ride.

The afternoon was filled with girl time in the pool while the boys played in the front yard. We had a lovely conversation about everything from my spiritual journey to charcuterie. I gave the abbreviated rendition of the journey starting with the health issues in 2018 that led me to look for alternative healing modalities to one of the most life-changing events I’ve encountered, Crystal Dreaming.

During my spiritual journey I have made a habit of following leads that are presented to me and Crystal Dreaming was one of those leads. In the summer of 2019, I saw an ad on facebook for this service at a nearby metaphysical shop. I had never heard of this before, so I clicked the link. Basically, it involved laying on the floor with crystals placed around me while a shaman would walk me through the experience. The service was at a reduced price for a short period of time, so I made an appointment for that weekend.

When I arrived for my session, the shaman sat with me at a table to talk about the experience, what to expect, and discuss what brought me there. Occasionally people have visions and can process events that are fearful or traumatic. I was nervous and excited at the same time. We dove in.

Part of the reason I usually tell people this story in an abbreviated way is because it is difficult to put into words what happened to me. I was conscious the whole time. I had body feels – at one point feeling a pressure on my body that was unrelenting like a downpour of steady rain. Another time feeling a pulling sensation on the crown of my head (which I continue to experience on an off to this day). Although I’ve found that I’m not visual in these situations (or in meditation), I find that I get answers that just drop into my head in fully-formed thoughts and I do have impressions of things that I later remember as visual like you would remember something that happened “in real life.”

The biggest transformational change that took place was when I processed a past life trauma. It was very simple. I had a vision and the shaman had me ask him questions, to which I would get responses for in my head. She had me say “I forgive you, I forgive you, I forgive you. I release you, I release you, I release you.” At that time, the vision seemed to turn and fade away. I’ve used the words of this mantra since then any time something comes up for me that I need to let go - anything from inconsiderate drivers to memories of past events that left a mark on me.

I walked out of that room knowing I was different, as if I had shed a skin. I felt new in the world. I wasn’t ready for the hour-long drive back home, so I walked next door to get a coffee and sit on the patio to process what had just happened. The shaman told me that I did some heavy work and that I might notice in the months to come that I operated differently in the world.

My heart was cracked open that day in a profound way and right away I felt more love than I ever had before. As time went on, I would realize I was much more emotional than I ever had been before. I used to have a fortress of walls that protected me from the world and they were gone. But it wouldn’t be until the pandemic hit that I fully realized a loneliness and sadness I had carried with me my whole life was also gone. I’m not sure I would have survived the pandemic had I not had the experience of Crystal Dreaming and that is hard to put into words when someone asks you about your spiritual journey.



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